Raid Progression

Progressing through raids in Underfoot requires a good bit of farming for keys. Each raid has its own requirements to request, generally the zone's group mission and perhaps the tasks as well. There are 3 raids that are open, only requiring someone to trigger:

These 3 raids are "Tier 6", each dropping 9 Coin of Brell. The Coin acts as a flag and all members of your raid force will need one in order to zone into the next set of raids: These 4 raids are also considered "Tier 6", dropping gear that is on par with the first 3. Each of these raids drop 6 Emblem of Brell (9 off queen), which act as flags everybody will need for the next set of raids: These 5 raids are considered "Tier 7". dropping gear better than the first 7. The first 4 drop Amulet of Brell (6 from Lichen and Fungal, 9 from each Brell Temple trial), which act as flags to go on the 5th raid against Brell. Completion of the 5th raid will flag you to move on to the next set of raids: These 7 are the final set, "Tier 8". Each raid will drop an Amulet of Brell as a backflag.