Arthicrex: The Cliknar Queen

Quest giver - Grogald Elderhammer
Requirements to Zone in: Flag from clicking a Coin of Brell
Requirements to Request: To Serve Sporali and all 3 Tier 6a raids
Request phrase: dealt with
Entry phrase: ready to go

This is the second event in the instance, Cliknar Hive Guardians must be defeated (or on lockout) to attempt this event.

Completion of this raid yields 4 "Palladium Encrusted" clay to make Tier 6 armor (chest being most common), 4 or so Scintillating Obsidianite Runes for level 83 spells, 4 purity augs, between 0 and 2 Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay for making cultural armor augs, 9 Emblem of Brell for progression, and 4 of the following: