Ruins of Takish-Hiz - Message to the Past

Quest giver - Tak`Valnakor
Request phrase: I will visit her
Entry phrase: prepared
Requirements: The Key To The Past and The Burning Prince

This mission has 3 difficulty levels: 58, 63, and 68+. You need to do 68+ for the spell and progression.

Head southeast and speak with Queen Tak`Yaliz. Follow the dialog, she gives you Crown of Tak`Yaliz and ports you into an instanced version of Takish Hiz.

Inside the instance the person with the crown needs to collect 3 items:

The chests spawn in a few random locations and can be looted by training away the trash or by just killing them. The Priest spawns in either tower indicated along with two guards. At 80% he spawns two more guards and another pair at 40%. They don't always add though.

Once you've looted all three zone to Elddar Forest (can zone directly from the instance) and locate Maryn Tak`Yaliz, this is the Queen from North Ro back in time. Give her all four objects and a chest *should* appear with loot (this has been know to bug out). Many classes are also awarded a spell if they have finished the entire arc.

Level 58:

Level 63:

Level 68+

Randomly mobs in the 66+ instance can drop one of the following: