Ruins of Takish-Hiz - The Key To The Past

Quest giver - Tak`Valnakor
Request phrase: ancient city
Entry phrase: *click in*
Requirements: None

This mission has 3 difficulty levels: 58, 63, and 68+. You need to do 68+ for the spell and progression.

Head into the static Ruins of Takish-Hiz zone and locate Krylin on the southwest side of the zone. Follow the dialog then go to zone-in to the instance at (725, -575).

Inside the instance you need to get 5 distinct pieces of a stone tablet. The first four are random zone drops from trash throughout the zone. Mobs here do respawn but you should get your drops without needing to wait for them. Once you have them all BeauDril The Queens Defender spawns at the top and drops the final piece. The trash here isn't too bad and nothing sees invis so once you have the first four you can safely invis to the boss. BeauDril can flurry, but otherwise the same as regular trash.

When you've looted all the pieces gate back to North Ro and give them to Tak'Valnakor. A chest *should* appear with loot (this has been know to bug out).

Level 58:

Level 63:

Level 68+

Randomly mobs in the 68+ instance can drop one of the following: