Arcstone - The Oubliette

Quest giver - Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born
Request phrase: group
Entry phrase: *click in*
Requirements: The Library

No mercs are allowed in the zone (or has this changed?).

Click into the Skylance instance and once inside tell Arkahn "oubliette" and his familiar will lead you to the proper portal.

Inside this section of the zone every chamber contains egg sacks guarded by a bunch of weak "creeping swarmer". Clear out the trash in a room then destroy the an egg sack, either the task updates as someone is given The Prototype Egg of Tallongast or an underformed scrykin spawns and attacks.

Keep clearing rooms and cracking eggs until someone gets the Prototype. The rooms will respawn and you can get the update off a respawn, so it might take a while. Deliver the Prototype Egg to Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born back in Arcstone and a chest spawns containing one of the following:

Randomly mobs in the instance can drop one of the following: