Into the Shadows

Quest giver: Jarzarrad the Prophet
Location: Undershore
Requirements: Completed Preemptive Strike, Praetorian Guard, The Fall of Illsalin, and Flights of the Seeker.

After requestion the mission speak with Brother Stillpool to zone in. You are presented with a couple locked doors and a spinning orb. When ready click the orb and three mobs spawn. Upon their defeat the doors open and you can go east or west. East takes to an orb which spawns the Havester of Souls. It hits for 1300 (on Normal) with single target rampage and casts three spells:

West takes you to an orb which spawns the Vampiric Blades. It flurries for 1300 and casts three spells:

Once both are defeated the path to the south room is open. Here you face Fragment of Vishimtar. It hits for 1700 (on Normal), but reportedly has no spells beyond normal Shadowknight abilities. After it is down climb the tower to reach Emperor Draygun`s Shadow. It flurries for 1800 (on Normal), but again reportedly has no spells.

Level 68+ Normal
Cursor rewards: Emperor Draygun drops 1 of the following:
Level 68+ Hard
Cursor rewards: Emperor Draygun drops 1 of the following: