The Fall of Illsalin

Quest giver: Jarzarrad the Prophet
Location: Undershore
Requirements: Completed Preemptive Strike and Praetorian Guard.

Speak with Brother Stillpool to zone into the Monster Mission. You'll want to have at least 1 warrior, 1 cleric, and 1 enchanter shrouds for this. It seems that the warrior shroud is the best dps as well. After zoning in set up your AA and then speak to Draygun to start. You will need to kill 11 drachnids to complete the first wave of the attack which spawns a second wave and the Commander. The trash doesn't seem to assist the Commander so with a bit of patience watching pathing and a proper long distance pull (such as using enchanter slow) you can pull him through all the other mobs. Reportedly you can speak with the Legionnaires and get them to act as pets to aid in dps.

Once the Commander is dead each person should loot a shard, this is your xp reward on zone out, and it will drop either a shoulder item or a hammer. The exact reward you get is based on the level of the one who loots it:

The Shiliskin Commoner's Shawl
The Hammer of Striking