Tower of Rot


Rare Mobs

Brexx Darkpaw
Drops - Ring of Rot, Iron Bloodsaber, Blightforce Ring
Captain Nathan Flock
Drops - Spiked Fingersheath, Ritual Blade of Heretics, Seeping Ring
Commander Kurt Ellis
Drops - Bloodstained Faceguard, Commander's Scabbard, Dead Man's Veil
Drops - Wilted Rose Ring, Steel-Horned Blood Fountain, Grasping Spider Husk
Garath Sulfada
Drops - Gnarled Bonering, Token of Rot, Stolen Ring of Ancients
Guardian Roger Macholeth
Only spawns in the Heroic Adventure "Brendaleen's Scheme"
Drops - Mana Goggles, Serrated Limb Lopper, Mallard Mask
Mad Martyr
Drops - Martyr's Loop of Dedication, Strength of the Adherent, Sanguine Bloodband
The Forgotten Sapper
Drops - Jawbone Guard, Gurlon, the Bonebreaker, Dripping Mouthwrap
The Lost Devourer
Drops - Mask of Fangs, Stomach of the Devourer, Regurgitated Mask
Vicar Lucilia Belyea
Drops - Vicar's Mask, Vicar's Flame, Vicar's Veil


Partisan Tasks


Heroic Adventure