Windsong - The Cacophony of Power

Quest giver - General Terasal
Request phrase: powerful
Entry phrase: assembled
Requirements: 81 Alaran, Stranger in a Strange Land, Getting Down to Business, Making Music, and The Sound of Silence

Once inside the instance start by killing the devotee and worshipers in the outer ring of the zone until you loot all 5 instruments. Then make your way to center of zone and click each instrument to place them. When ready target one, say "start playing" to spawn the Echo of Ryken.

Echo of Ryken hits for 20k and casts two spells:

Take him to 50% health and it goes inactive as 6 bats attack. They hit for 5k each and cast Overwhelming Screech, an unresistable AE stun, they can be mezzed and stunned.

Once all 6 bats are dead Echo of Ryken reactivates and has 3 spells now:

Additionally there are 2 Blind Dreamers up. One only hit by casters, the other only by melee. They are rooted in place, hit for 15k, and as long as they are alive power Echo of Ryken in some way. Also during the event the sentry stones around the area with DT anybody attempting to leave.

The chest contains one spell and one of the following: