Convorteum: The First Corruption

Quest giver - Delth
Requirements - Different Point of View, I, Bellikos, and Convorteum Coercion
Request phrase: join
Entry phrase: ready

This mission can be done using two groups. Hail the NPCs as you reach them, moving up higher into the zone. After you have all four there is a bit of dialog and then the waves start. The first wave is about a dozen mixed Bellikos and Apex which can be mezzed. When killed they respawn, you just need to keep them busy while Delth completes the spell. When the spell completes Delth says, 'I have gained sufficient power to proceed. Get rid of those creatures quickly!', now you can kill them without respawning.

Once the first wave is all killed a second wave spawns, 6 or so telmira and a bunch of rooted fire mephits at the windows. the mephits have a fire AE and flux, all mobs can be mezzed and respawn when killed, again you need to just hold them at bay while Delth completes the spell. Once Delth gives the ok kill off the second wave.

On the third wave there is a named in the lava along with mezzable adds. If you kill the adds they will just respawn unless the named is dead, so kill the named first. After they are dead the Crushing Apexus spawns and begins pathing to Delth. If it reaches Delth you lose so get it dead, it can be Highsunned by a bard or lurched by an enchanter until it hits 30% to buy time.

When the Crushing Apexus dies Keeper Veilyn spawns. The Keeper is pretty easy, but can cast a 35k AE. Once Keeper is dead hail Delth to complete the mission.

The chest contains one of the following: