Model XLII Spatial Temporal Oculus

The Model XLII Spatial Temporal Oculus is the end result of 23 tasks yielding 21 parts and a handful of subcombines.

  1. Pico Timing Gears - I Can Fly
  2. Weight Compensation Disc XV - Construction Junction, What's your Function?
  3. Micro Timing Gears - Darwin's Award
  4. Control Setting Gears I, II, III, IV, and VII - Farm Clean Up
  5. Ridged Tamping Pinion LX - Forgetful Nanzie
  6. Temporal Pinion XXXVIII - Mechamatic Spelunking
  7. Vertical Rotational Cam III - The Steamwork You're Looking For
  8. Horizontal Rotational Cam IV - Modulation!
  9. Depth Field Prototype Pinion I - Getting that Stabilizer
  10. Concave Focal Disc Mark I - Creepfoot Thievery
  11. Zeka Clockwise Capping Rotator - Endless Enemies
  12. Azia Clockwise Capping Rotator - Disable the Recycler AND Hunt a Spy*
  13. Beza Clockwise Capping Rotator - Screw Loose
  14. Zeka Counterclockwise Capping Rotator - Switching Gears
  15. Azia Counterclockwise Capping Rotator - Disrupt the Workshop AND Supplies for Spies*
  16. Beza Counterclockwise Capping Rotator - A Slave to the Grind
  17. Right Curved Spatial Adapter - Destroying the Competition
  18. Inverted Left Curved Spatial Adapter - Power Station Blueprints
  19. Forwards Axis Spring VI - Alloy Sampling
  20. Upwards Axis Spring LXIII - Stopping Production
  21. Sidewards Axis Spring IV - Breaking Things Down
* The Azia parts are linked. You need to do Disable the Recycler and Hunt a Spy for the Clockwise piece and Supplies for Spies and Disrupt the Workshop for the Counterclockwise piece.

In addition to the above items you need to purchase T. Bildarol's Missing Toolkit, a 5 slot container, from Ak`Anon Strike Force vendor. You will need to raise your faction to at least indifferent to purchase this, but since each of the 23 tasks raises that faction it shouldn't be a problem.

Once you have everything ready, follow these assembly instructions: