

Almost every task and mission in the expansion gives an item as a reward. Each theme has a collection quest where if you complete everything you can assemble all the items into a reward with a sixth "reward" for completing all of the missions throughout the expansion. Since these items can take up a LOT of bank space Tavid Dennant was put in the Guild Lobby. He is a vendor of sorts which will sell you any quest reward you've earned for 1 Chronobine each. This way you can simply destroy them all and when you are ready to do the combines just buy them back.

Each tab is one of the collections. The header on each is a link to go directly to that tab, if you need to bookmark a specific collection for convenience.

Bayle's Heraldic Crest

To assemble the Crest you'll need to collect 22 pieces from the tasks across the Oceangreen theme:

In addition to the above items you need to purchase Heraldic Crest Repair Kit, a 6 slot container, from Cirtan, Bayle`s Herald in Oceangreen Hills.

Combine the first set pieces in the repair kit to create Crest Upper Field.
Combine the second set pieces in the repair kit to create Heraldic Keep.
Combine the third set pieces in the repair kit to create Crest Left Field.
Combine the fourth set pieces in the repair kit to create Crest Right Field.
Combine the fifth set pieces in the repair kit to create Crest Lower Field.

Finally put all 5 parts into the Empty Heraldic Crest Frame (5 slot container, also bought from Cirtan in Oceangreen Hills) and voila, your very own Bayle's Heraldic Crest.

Blood of the Fallen

To assemble the Blood of the Fallen you'll need 22 blood from doing tasks in the Kithicor theme.

In addition to the above items you need to purchase Bloodbind Cauldron, a 8 slot container, from Silla Herald in Kithicor Forest (you'll need apprehensive faction).

Combine the first set of 7 bloods (all with orange vial graphic) in the cauldron to create Blood of Light.
Combine the second set of 7 bloods (all with blue vial graphic) in the cauldron to create Blood of Oblivion.
Combine the third set of 8 bloods (all with red vial graphic) in the cauldron to create Blood of Medicine.

Then combine those three in the cauldron to create Blood of the Fallen.

Baron Yosig's Skeleton

The Baron Yosig's Skeleton is the end result of 19 quests in the Field of Scale. It is a clicky illusion of an Iksar Skeleton which grants a faction boost making you non-kos to most things in the Kunark theme.

In addition to the above items you need to purchase Bone Wiring Tools, a 8 slot container, from Tynoc, Herald of the Scale in Field of Scale.

The combinations

Combine the left hand, lower arm, and upper arm to create Iksar Left Arm Bone Assembly.
Combine the left foot, lower leg, and upper leg to create Iksar Left Leg Bone Assembly.
Combine the right hand, lower arm, and upper arm to create Iksar Right Arm Bone Assembly.
Combine the right foot, lower leg, and upper leg to create Iksar Right Leg Bone Assembly.
Combine the two ribcages, spine, and hip pieces to create Iksar Torso Bone Assembly.

Then combine those five parts with the skull, jawbone, and tail to create Baron Yosig's Skeleton

Rallosian Battle Figure

The Rallosian Battle Figure is the end result of 28 quests in the Rathe theme. It is a clicky familiar that gives 425 hp and mana.

The parts

In addition to the above items you need to purchase Miniature Armor Repair Kit, a 4 slot container, for each subcombine and Miniature Armor Frame for the final combine from Mitius, Herald of Change in Toskirakk (you'll need apprehensive faction).

The combinations

Combine the first 3 items in the Repair Kit to create Miniature Rallosian Left Bracer.
Combine the next 3 items in the Repair Kit to create Miniature Rallosian Right Bracer.
Combine the next 3 items in the Repair Kit to create Miniature Rallosian Boot.
Combine the next 3 items in the Repair Kit to create Miniature Rallosian Helm.
Combine the next 4 items in the Repair Kit to create Miniature Rallosian Gloves.
Combine the next 4 items in the Repair Kit to create Miniature Rallosian Vambraces.
Combine the next 4 items in the Repair Kit to create Miniature Rallosian Greaves.
Combine the next 4 items in the Repair Kit to create Miniature Rallosian Breastplate.

Lastly combine the 8 pieces in the Armor Frame to create your Rallosian Battle Figure. And remember, its an Action Figure, not a doll!

Dark Soul Crystal

To assemble the Dark Soul Crystal you'll need 23 crystals from doing tasks in the Discord theme.

In addition to the above items you need to purchase Discordant Crystal Repair Kit, a 6 slot container, from the herald in Bloodfields or Korafax (you'll need apprehensive faction).

The combinations

Combine the 3-4 pieces of each type of crystal in the Repair Kit to create 6 crystals. Then combine those six in the Kit to create Dark Soul Crystal.


The Timeshear is a nearly useless trinket. When clicked it places a 6 sec buff on you that, when it fades, teleports you to where you were when you clicked and gives you 30k hp, 10k mana, and 10k endurance. However you must be at near full hp/mana/endurance before you are allowed to click it. The best possible use is as a nice house decoration as it is placeable. It requires completing every mission in the expansion.

In addition to the above items you need to purchase Timeshear Fragment Coalescing Device, a 8 slot container, and Timeshear Coalescing Device, a 6 slot container, from any of the faction vendors (you'll need indifferent faction).

The combinations

Take the 8 Purple fragments and combine them in the Fragment Coalescing Device to create Timeshear Purple Octagonal Fragment
Take the 2 Orange fragments and combine them in the Fragment Coalescing Device to create Timeshear Orange Moon Fragment
Take the 5 Red fragments and combine them in the Fragment Coalescing Device to create Timeshear Red Hexagonal Fragment
Take the 5 Green fragments and combine them in the Fragment Coalescing Device to create Timeshear Green Hexagonal Fragment
Take the 2 Blue fragments and combine them in the Fragment Coalescing Device to create Timeshear Blue Moon Fragment
Take the 4 Black fragments and combine them in the Fragment Coalescing Device to create Timeshear Black Square Fragment

Take the 6 assembled stones and combine then in the Coalescing Device to create Timeshear