The Devastation - Into the Wall

Quest giver - Oathmir the Outcast
Request phrase: Something terrible
Entry phrase: *click in*
Requirements: None

This mission is available in level 60, 65, and 68 versions. Zone into the instance in the south east portion of The Devastation.

Once inside the instance begin just killing stuff. Mobs here roam freely so be prepared to constantly engaged. Once you have killed 30 mobs a random boss will spawn in one of the three large chambers. There is not a lot of good information, and much of it seems conflicting (for example the Undead Knight casting a spell normally cast by mulches and a Treant casting Flaming Hooves...)

Whichever boss you get clear the area and watch for some type of AE. The boss will drop one item, depending on difficulty.

Level 60 version:

Level 65 version:

Level 68 version:

Mobs in the instance can drop randomly drop the following.

Level 60 version:

Level 65 version:

Level 68 version: