Miragul's Vendetta

Quest giver: Nightmare Emissary
Requirements: The Sword of Shadows, Beauty Lost, Please Release Me, Such a Prankster, and Prisoner of the Portal
Phrase: master
Reward: 60 Dream Motes, 315p, +20 Dream Delvers faction, and loot below

Say "damage" to zone into the instance.

When you enter the instance the only mob present is the Emissary. Upon hailing him a bit of trash spawns around the zone and you must kill at least three of each type. Head east to find an undead captain. It hits around 7500, no spells. Once it is dead speak with Dariah Syke and pick up her pack, a groundspawn behind the building just to the northwest. Give Dariah the pack, move north to the castle courtyard, and kill The Undead General. It hits for up to 9000 and casts a short range AE 15k dot and melee slow. Once it is dead clear the courtyard trash and send someone into the castle to the portal. The emissary spawns and attacks. Pull him back to the courtyard and klll him, hits for around 9k an has an AE fear. Adds spawn from the portal but if you pull him to the courtyard they shouldn't agro. The task locks when the emissary dies. Head back to Dariah Syke to spawn a chest containing a random spell fragment (86-90) and one of the following:
