Moment of Clarity

Quest giver: Tarlyn Caelith
Requirements: none
Phrase: acquire
Reward: 80 Dream Motes, 315p, +20 Dream Delvers faction, and loot below

Say "prepared" to zone into the instance.

Inside the instance your first goal is to collect ground spawn tomes as you progress through the zone. Mobs here are Tier 4 difficulty with the occasional see invis. There are more than enough spawns to collect 3 of each book, you can save extras if you plan to do the mission multiple times. After turning in the books move deeper into the zone, killing at least 10 librarians and 8 assistants, and find Sage Weldan. He hits for under 9k and casts:

Kill Weldan (which locks the task) and loot the Ancient Spellbook. Give this to Tarlyn and hail to spawn a chest containing a random spell fragment (86-90) and one of the following:
