Fall of the Tae Ew

Quest giver: Rupkerr
Requirements: An Expedition Gone Awry, Uncovering the Truth, A Cursed Cure
Phrase: Instrument of their destruction
Reward: 20 Dream Motes, 315p, +20 Dream Delvers faction, and loot below

Tell Rupkerr "depart" to zone into the instance.

Head south to the four pyramids. Each pyramid has 5 Tae Ew and when those die an Amygdalan Guardian spawns at the top. Defeat all 20 Tae Ew and the 4 Amygdalan Guardian and then you'll face off with 3 clones of loot dropping rares from Feerrott, each with a pair of guards. Sentinel Quilaztli (20k single target dd and stun), Temilotzin the Zealot (single target fear and a progressive dot with 30 curse counters), and Xiucozcatl the Feared (20k dd and 8k dot). Once all of those and their guards are dead Terror Lord spawns (frontal 18k AE). The task locks when Terror Lord dies and a chest spawns containing a random spell fragment (86-90) and one of the following:
