The Search For Ilsuras

Quest giver: Kelliad
Location: Stoneroot Falls
Requirements: None.

After getting the mission from Kelliad go to Meldrek and he will tell you to head to the instance at the western part of the city where Drillak spawns. When you zone into the instance you get drachnid illusion and are non-KoS. Hail Overseer Renok and he will scury off leading you to Commander Hithrav. As you reach that area your illusion falls and they will attack. They aren't too rough but be mindful of adds. Once they are both dead head out of the room, clearing the way around the hallway west and then back east to the underwater monolith (see map below). When you click the monolith 2 (when we did it, we got 7 or 8, might be from weird pathing) drachnids will spawn on you. Dispatch those and go through the now unlocked door and head north to the jail. Here you'll find a chest in one of the cells, click it through the bars and you'll get an emote about the wind. You can now clear to the east and access the southern room with Ilsuras, Prince Drillien, and two Protectors. The Prince will give a bad guy speech, kill Ilsuras, and direct the Protectors to attack while he leaves. The Protectors are nothing special and can be mezzed. Kill them both and a chest spawns with one loot and Ilsuras' Dagger of Contempt. Loot the dagger and go back north one room. On the southern wall should be three crystal balls. Clicking the center opens a portal out of the zone. Invis up and head out. Give the dagger to Kelliad to complete the mission.

Level 68+ Normal
Cursor rewards: Chest contains 1 of the following: Random mobs can drop - Earring of Diminutiveness (shrink clicky)